caring ministries
Our pastors and lay volunteers at Oak Hill UMC work together to serve the pastoral and caring needs of the church community. We strive to be the hands and feet of Christ, caring for each other as He taught us to do. Our Caring Ministries provide a variety of services, offered by several different groups.
Homebound Ministries
We love to stay connected with our homebound members. We make friendly visits and are also able to bring communion elements to them. If you’d like to serve in this capacity on behalf of the church, please contact Pastor Missy Jenson at (512) 288-3836 or missy@oakhillumc.org.
Agape Meals
An outreach team of volunteer individuals provides meals to other church members who are experiencing various temporary crises (e.g. birth of a child, death of a family member, sickness, hospitalizations, etc.). Please contact Ashley Fryer at ashleywhitefryer@gmail.com if you'd like to help with this ministry.
Prayer Chain
We have an active network of persons who pray for concerns as they come in.
Contact the church office at (512) 288-3836 or office@oakhillumc.org to be added to this email list.
Hospital Visitation
We often have congregants who are hospitalized and a visit from someone from the church lifts their spirits. If you would like to minister in this way, please contact Pastor Missy at (512) 288-3836 or missy@oakhillumc.org.
Stephen Ministers
Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to persons experiencing difficulties such as changes in relationships, family, employment, relocation, finances, health, spiritual needs, and more. Stephen Ministers will “be there” for their care receiver, meeting faithfully for an hour each week, for as long as there’s a need. While a Stephen Minister is not a pastor, counselor or therapist, each Stephen Minister has received 50 hours of training and additional continuing education.
If you would like more information about how to become a Stephen Minister, please contact
Nancy Goodhue, our Stephen Leader Referrals Coordinator, at (512) 426-5541 or negoodhue@gmail.com,
or Pastor Missy Jenson at (512) 288-3836 or missy@oakhillumc.org.
To learn more about Stephen Ministry, click here.
GriefShare is a faith-based video seminar and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. At GriefShare, you learn valuable information about recovering from grief and renewing your hope for the future. Oak Hill UMC offers Grief Share seminars each fall and spring.
For more information, please contact Diane Merwarth at griefshare@oakhillumc.org.
However, if you’re in need of a group now, please visit the national GriefShare website and use their “Find a Group” tool to locate current, local offerings: https://www.griefshare.org/findagroup.