set free to grow
Capital Campaign
Have any questions, need any help, or
want to fill out your commitment card online?
If you would like to learn more about the various online or off-line giving options available to you, if you would like to make a change to your commitment card, or you just want to get some clarification about anything with regards to the commitment cards, please reach out to our Finance Director, Angie Bragg, by email at angie@oakhillumc.org or give her a call at (512) 288-3836, ext. 502
Follow the link below to our digital Set Free To Grow commitment card!

Want to make your first fruits offering online?
Follow the link below to the First Fruits Offering Donation Portal!
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Finance Director, Angie Bragg, by email at angie@oakhillumc.org or give her a call at (512) 288-3836, ext. 502

"For freedom Christ has set us free."
- Galatians 5:1

god, what do you want to do through me?
where do we go from here?
Oak Hill United Methodist Church is in a position to provide ministry to the Southwest Austin community with a great location along a redesigned Highway 290. We are committed to welcoming all of God’s children. We seek to guide people in their relationship with Christ. We have a heart for service. And we care about each other and our community.
Being “Set Free To Grow” will allow us to use money currently going to our mortgage for the ministries to which God calls us. Imagine the possibilities!
Investing in ministries with children, teenagers, and their families, sharing the Love of God and shaping the next generations of disciples.
Increasing hands-on service in our community and moving toward the goal of spending at least 10% of our annual budget to care for people in need locally, regionally, nationally, and globally.
Offering a wider array of music ministries so that people of all ages, and a variety of musical preferences, can make a joyful noise to the Lord and share that music with the congregation.
Launching a weekly contemporary service to reach people through a different style of worship.
Paying our full portion to support the work of the larger United Methodist Church.
Maintaining a clergy team of three pastors to teach, provide pastoral care, and support youth and young adult ministry.
Oak Hill recently celebrated its 45th year. It was nice to embrace our heritage, and humbling to look back at where we started to see how far we have come. But God calls us not to rest. It is time to commit our energies to the future. It is time to build on the legacy of service and community.
It is time to be “Set Free to Grow.”

what are some of the different ways
that I can give to Oak Hill UMC?
Online Giving
An easy way to give to Oak Hill UMC is through our secure giving website. On this website you can make a donation to the capital campaign fund directly, simply pick "Set Free to Grow" in the Fund drop-down menu! ​You can make your donation either from your bank account or from your credit or debit card.
Automatic draft​​​
Setting up an automatic draft of your bank account or credit card account is another option.
Simply go to our secure giving page and check the box labeled “Recurring Gift.” You will then be guided through setting up authorization for a recurring gift which is to be drawn on your bank account or credit card on a periodic basis and deposited in the bank account set up for the "Set Free to Grow" campaign.

Once you turn 72, you must start taking annual Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from your Traditional IRA.
If you make periodic or annual lump sum charitable contributions, there is a tax strategy related to your RMD that is worthy of consideration. Instead of taking your RMD and paying applicable taxes, consider directing your IRA custodian to transfer some or all of the RMD to a qualified charity such as Oak Hill UMC.
Contact Angie Bragg for more details.

Online Bill Pay​
Sending one time or recurring payments through your bank's online bill payment system is a convenient way to donate without fees.​Most Bill Pay applications will ask you to provide an account reference that will appear on the check; e.g. ‘Jones Set Free to Grow’.

Stock donation
A great way to make a donation to the church is by transferring common stock held in your name. To execute such a transfer of stock from your portfolio, contact the our Director of Finance, Angie Bragg (angie@oakhillumc.org) and inform her of you intention to make such a donation. ​
She will be able to help you and walk you through the steps for the transfer, along with any other questions.

Donation by Mail​
This is a great low-tech method for giving. If you have a check book, write a check to OHUMC for the amount you want to give.
Write "Set Free to Grow - Capital Campaign" in the Memo line and thenput the check in a stamped envelope and address it to:
Oak Hill United Methodist Church
Attn: Angie Bragg
7815 Highway 290 West
Austin, TX 78736