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We are so glad that God has led you here!


We know that looking for a church can be intimidating, so whether you’ve grown up in church, have never been to church, or are coming back to church, we want you to know that we welcome you in Christian love!


How about we go first with introductions?


You can check out our pastors and staff, read through our newsletter, how we got started way back in May 1979, and how we reach out to the community.


Or if you just want to get a feel for what a Sunday morning worship service feels like, you can listen to the latest sermon or watch live on YouTube every Sunday at 11 o'clock!

& see

We have many “entry points” that serve as ways to connect with our community at Oak Hill United Methodist Church.


You are welcome to join us in worship, in study, in small groups, or in service to the greater Austin community.


Any of these are always open to new participants.


We pray that these opportunities will lead you to love God, others, and yourself more deeply and more fully.

Come worship with us

We currently offer two in-person worship times at 8:30 am and 11:00 am on Sundays. Our 11:00 am worship is also live-streamed on our website and Facebook, and then a recording is posted for later viewing on our YouTube channel.


Our Sunday services last about an hour each. We sing hymns, pray, read scripture, and hear a sermon. At the 8:30 am service, we celebrate Holy Communion each week, and at the 11:00 am service we celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. We practice “open communion,” which means that you don’t need to be a member of the church or a Methodist in order to participate.


If you love Christ, earnestly repent of your sin, and seek to live in peace with one another, you are welcome at the table!


Children are an integral part of the worshiping congregation at Oak Hill UMC. Children are encouraged to worship with their families. Each worship service includes a special “Children’s Time,” and children are always welcome at the Lord’s Table to receive Holy Communion.


Nursery care is offered every Sunday morning starting at 8:30 am for infants through age 5. At 9:45 am we offer Sunday School for age 3-5th grade. Our nursery and all of our classes for children are located in the Children’s Education Building.


We love teenagers, too, and welcome their participation in the life of the church! We value their presence in worship and encourage them to join in any of our youth group’s activities for fun and faith formation on Sunday mornings and evenings.


Check out what they’re up to by following these links!

Wondering what is going on event wise? Peruse the rest of our web page, especially Upcoming Events and The Cornerstone, to find contact names and locations of activities.


And please don't hesitate to contact our church office and we’ll be glad to get you in contact with the right person or help you connect with a group. You can give us a call at 512-288-3836 or send us an email at

You are welcome to join any activity at Oak Hill UMC and know that church membership is never a requirement to participate!

How do I participate in a class, activity, or service opportunity?

where are we?

We are located on Highway 290, just west of the Hwy 290 / Hwy 71 split (“the Y”) in Oak Hill, directly across from the ACC Pinnacle Building and next door to the new H-E-B on RM 1826.


There is ample parking on campus, and we have reserved some visitor parking spots close to the sanctuary.


The visitor parking and the sanctuary are marked in red on this OHUMC campus map.


And in case you just want to leave the job of finding us up to your navigation system, here’s our address:


Oak Hill United Methodist Church
7815 Highway 290 West
Austin, Texas 78736​


How do I become a member at OHUMC? 

We extend an invitation to join the church at each Sunday worship service. You may join at that time, or you may make an appointment to meet with one of the pastors to learn more.


When you make the decision to join the church, you will be asked two questions: Do you affirm you faith in Jesus Christ? And will you support this congregation through your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness?


As members, we require adults to be baptized. This sacrament is a holy covenant between you, God, and the congregation signaling new life in Christ, adoption into the family of God, the forgiveness of sins, and a commitment to patterning your life after the way of Jesus. There is much more to the meaning of baptism and the pastors would be honored to talk more with you about it and answer any questions you may have.

Please be aware that we honor baptisms performed in other Christian denominations, whether it involved sprinkling or pouring water on your head or fully immersing you in water, regardless of your age at the time of the baptism.


We would be delighted to baptize anyone of any age, whether an adult, teenager, child, or infant, and welcome you into the family of God.


For those who are unable to speak for themselves, we invite their parents or guardians to make the declaration on their behalf and commit to nurturing them in their faith journey so they may come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We will support you in your decision to follow Jesus, walk with you every day to provide encouragement and accountability.


We understand that there is much more to baptism than what can be explained in a FAQ, so please feel free to contact our pastors.


We would be happy to share more information with you.

How do I get baptized
at oak hill?

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